Denture Gum Abrasion Causes, Prevention, and Treatment


Has your denture gum hurt lately? You get denture gum abrasion if your dentures hurt your gums. It's unpleasant, but it doesn't have to depress you. This article will discuss denture gum abrasion, how to prevent it, and gum healing methods.

Ill-Fitting Dentures

Unfitted dentures cause most gum abrasion. Dentures that rub and irritate gums are loose. Tight dentures squeeze gums and cause damage. Dentures should fit nicely and be altered as needed. Dentures that fit poorly can cause pain, blisters, and infection.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Dent gum abrasion can also result from improper denture and mouth hygiene. Your gums can be rubbed by denture food and plaque. After each meal, brush and soak your dentures in a denture-cleaning solution. Also, brush your gums and remaining teeth with a soft bristles brush to remove debris.

Clenching or Grinding

Some people grind or clench their teeth during sleep, putting pressure on denture gums. A sleep guard or mouthguard helps protect against overnight teeth grinding. Stress and anxiety reduction may reduce teeth clenching and grinding.

If your dentures are loose or ill-fitting, see your dentist for an adjustment to prevent and treat denture gum abrasion. Carefully clean your dentures and mouth after eating and before bed. Avoid dentures wherever feasible to rest gums. Apply lubricating gel to gums as prescribed to avoid irritation. Red, swollen, or irritated gums require immediate dental attention. They offer pharmaceutical mouthwashes, ointments, and treatment to heal and prevent infection.


Denture gum abrasion can be annoying, but you can prevent or treat it. Take off your dentures gently. Try a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Adjust your dentures to avoid rubbing. Use soft relining or cushion adhesives. Visit your dentist regularly to maintain healthy gums and dentures. A little care can prevent denture-wear-induced gum irritation. Got it! Simple prevention and therapy can keep you smiling.


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